
The countdown to the 17th annual Greats Gift Retailer Awards gets underway this month, inviting gift shops of all shapes and sizes to enter themselves (and their suppliers!) into the race to be crowned the best in the business.

The awards recognise those shops and their brilliant staff who go the extra mile to deliver great service and great product and the suppliers who help them on the way to greatness.

The awards ceremony takes place on May 15th 2019 in the Grosvenor House Hotel’s glittering ballroom. This year’s theme has been announced as ‘Walk On The Wild Side’ and the party promises to be truly unforgettable.

You can check out The Greats’ shiny new website here: . Don’t forget to download your entry form and put yourselves forward.

You’ll also find an award for Best Service To The Independent Retailer, which can be voted for here: . We would love any nominations you think we deserve and we can’t wait to see you there!